Good Vibes Only

Shaz Saed -- Blonde Tea Party -- -- beauty and makeup tips -- foundation routine--bareminerals--mineral makeup--

Shaz Saed -- Blonde Tea Party -- -- beauty and makeup tips -- foundation routine--bareminerals--mineral makeup--

You know when you are having one of those really good days where you feel great and magic seems to happen? That is how I felt on Friday last week! I had been waking up at 5:30 am naturally might I add! I suddenly had this immense amount of energy and this urge to be productive which in turn made me feel accomplished. I received an unbelievable amount of compliments on my appearance which I had roughly thrown together as I was running late for an appointment. Where am I going with this you ask? Sometimes the less time we spend overthinking situations the better the outcome. I can talk myself out of anything so I’m conscious of making a decision and applying it straight away. Working to a schedule helps a great deal, knowing I have to be somewhere or do something by a certain time really gets my arse in gear! I also like to take note of the days I am feeling really good. We all have down days some worst than others but if we can acknowledge what makes us feel good on the good days we can hopefully pass through them with much more ease. P.S cake always helps! Guildford has just opened The Hummingbird Bakery which specializes in authentic American cakes and desserts. I recommend the Red Velvet Cupcake, it’s the best!

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