Shaz Saed -- Blonde Tea Party -- -- beauty and makeup tips --

What’s In My Makeup Bag

If you are like me and have a ton of makeup in various different acrylic cases, you will understand the frenzy of finding particular items. I'm the sort of person that uses something, puts it down and then it disappears and I go mental trying to find it again. So I now have, in addition to all my boxes, a daily face makeup bag. ...

Shaz Saed -- Blonde Tea Party -- -- beauty and makeup tips --

How to look fresh faced when feeling unwell

When you are feeling under the weather or you've had one too many at last night's work drinks it's hard to conceal the evidence the next morning. Well fear not, here are some easy tips on how to look wide awake, fresh and glowing. Remember less is more in this circumstance. You want to stick to light textures that bring ...

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