Shaz Saed -- Blonde Tea Party -- -- beauty and makeup tips -- primer

One Heck Of A Primer!

A good primer can make the world of difference to your makeup application and longevity. There are times I want a glow from within and for that I will use my beloved Becca Backlight Priming Filter which for the record I haven't put down for months until now. Soap and Glory One Heck Of A Blot, is an instant perfecting primer ...

Shaz Saed -- Blonde Tea Party -- -- beauty and makeup tips --

Prime Time

Once you understand the concept of a primer and choose the right one for you skin's needs, you will be hooked! The difference a primer can make to you overall appearance and longevity of your makeup is incredible. I used think it was just an extra step with little or no benefit but how wrong was I? A primer is applied after ...

Rouge Bunny Rouge | Metamorphoses Mattifying Primer

Rouge Bunny Rouge is a relatively new brand to me. I haven't heard many people talk about it and it's not widely available  in the UK. I found a small selection of their products on Beauty Bay which I'm delighted about. This particular product Metamorphoses Mattifying Primer is almost always sold out! I finally got my ...

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