Oops I Did It Again

Every so often ( once a year in fact ) I go mad, cut my hair short and go full on foils! I often regret it for the rest of the year while patiently waiting for it to grow out. During lockdown I didn't cut or colour my hair for two years and it was quite liberating. Recently I fancied a change and seeing all of ...

Today’s Makeup

I like my makeup today so I thought I would post it. It's basically the same as my signature makeup look. Do you ever go through those makeup phases where you try something different and just think nah that doesn't work for me!? I do all the time, I will try to do my makeup like someone I admire on YouTube but it never ...

New Hair Cut and Colour!!

Hello lovelies!! So I finally decided to get my hair cut and coloured after about 6 months of doing absolutely nothing with it!! I go through this all natural phase, were I suddenly want to grow my roots out and never colour my hair again. Well sometimes you just have to do what suites you and blonde, shoulder length hair ...

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