A New Season | Fall Feelings

Hello my lovely readers I hope you are doing ok and welcoming the new season of October, Fall. This is my most beloved times of the year, I find it utterly magnificant. If you are lucky enough to live in a place where the seasons change then count your blessings. I love the shift in seasons, the slight chill in the air, the Autumnal sunshine that dapples through golden leaves, Halloween on the horizon! And of course its sweater weather! Give me all the jumpers! This one is from Ted Baker last year and its only the first time im wearing it! When I find something I really like, which isnt often, I buy it and keep it. Is that strange? Anyway along with a new season comes a more contented me. I think we have all been feeling a bit out of sorts this year due to the unmentionalble, perhaps some more than others. I know I have been grappling with negative self-talk, worrying about how others percive me and over analysing situations, my work etc.
Well folks, I feel a shift, a seasonal change if you will. I am slowly starting to feel good about myself again. Im celebrating what achievment looks like to me no matter how small. I am talking to myself with kindess and compassion. I am believing in myself and above all I am no longer comparing myself to others who I deem “better” than me.
I think limiting the amount of time we spend on social media is helpful, especially first thing in the morning. If I don’t like something I’m unfollowing or blocking! I’m here for the soul soothing and coffee.
They say to get out of your comfort zone but I like it here and besides whose to say you aren’t? Nobody knows your limits but you. Getting out of your comfort zone might be wearing heels if you only ever wear flats, or trying new food or making an appointment over the phone. I am all for the self-help but sometimes I find it a little overbearing. I take what I need when I need it, I don’t need it rammed down my throat through daily emails.
I am also working on getting through the fear of dissappointing people or wanting to be liked by people. In doing so one holds back speaking freely in fear of saying the wrong thing or coming across in a way that perhaps the other person finds uncharacteristic.
We are all a work in progress, nobody has it all figured out. You are alright and doing the best you can and if nobody has told you yet, it will all be ok.
Search for all that makes you soul smile. Be unapologetically you!
If you enjoyed this post or found it interesting, please leave me a comment below : )
And if there is anything you might want me to discuss or delve deeper into then please don’t hesitate to drop me a line. I am listening.
All the best
Shaz aka blondeteaparty
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