Cute Workout Clothes To Feel Motivated

I recently updated my workout wear as I’d been wearing the same old gear for years now. The difference it has made to my overall fitness is immense! I know it sounds weird but wearing the correct size for a start and bright, fun colours really effects how I feel about myself. I actually want to exercise for one, even if that’s just a brisk walk. I think looking and feeling the part boosts your motivation and mood. For example, a few weeks back I did a workout in my tired old leggings, ill-fitting bra and vest and old trainers, I ended up so uncomfortable and irritable during the workout I had to stop. Fast forward to my new gym gear and I had the best workout, I was comfortable and felt good and motivated.
Even if you are new to exercise it’s a great way to get started, seriously get yourself a fun set of gym wear and start by going for a walk and build yourself up from there. Choose exercise that you enjoy it shouldn’t be miserable. You may like Yoga, Pilates or weight training. Try to mix it up a bit. There are lots of fitness videos you can watch for free on YouTube.
All the best x
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