Happy New Year

Hello lovely reader and welcome to a brand new year of blogging! Today is a little bit of a catch up so make yourself a cup of coffee and lets have a chat. This time of year can be rather trying for many even more so now with yet another lockdown here in the UK. I hope to bring you a little respite here and on my YouTube Channel. It’s easy to get caught up in all the scary things that are going on at the moment so take the time to look for the good things, celebrate your small wins and indulge in your golden moments of the day be it making a warming cup of coffee, going for a walk in nature or simply taking a few moments for yourself whatever that may be. Mine is putting my makeup on and getting ready for the day. It helps to create a daily routine for yourself for example 9am breakfast, 11am coffee, 3pm walk/exercise etc Having structure to your day gives you something to focus on so you don’t feel stuck.
I touched on this briefly in my latest video about how January seems to ram fitness and healthy eating down our throats, ‘New Year, New You’ BS! It’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself and I don’t believe in it. You do what is best for you, what makes you happy and take each day as it comes. Focus on what is important to you. January should be a time to nurture and be good to ourselves.
Right, on that note I’m going to bake that box of brownies I have in the cupboard and get the washing out the dryer!
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