My Makeup Collection 2020

Happy Monday lovely reader. Today I feel like sharing my makeup collection and storage. I have really paired down what I own throughout the years and I am now much more aware of what I’m purchasing and why. I am content with using what I have until its finished and requires replacing. Have a look at your own makeup arsenal and make note of what you use the most. Now, look at what you haven’t used at all. How does that makeup you feel? I bet you feel better about the things you used often, I know I do. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, I know that sounds dramatic, but it does. I like finishing things I’ve paid good money for. It also makes me realise that I don’t need twenty nude lipsticks because I always go back to my favourite.
In an age of mass consumption, I’m finding it quite satisfying to make use of products I already own without being tempted by shiny new offerings from the makeup world. Don’t get me wrong I love makeup with a passion and trying new products is part of my job, I’m just deciding to make smarter choices going forward.
If you fancy a sneak peek at my collection then watch my video below
In love!! Very jealous of your your palette collection haha! Also, I am obsessed with your chair, where did you get it? Ive been trying to find one similar for ages!
Georgia Rose |
Thank you so much x The chair is from My Furniture.