Things To Do During Self-Isolation
Hello fellow social distancers, how are you doing? I thought I would share with you some of the things I’ve been doing during this virus lockdown.
One of them is having myself a little tea party. Get your best tea set out and put on a lovely pot of tea. Bake a cake or some cookies. I’m not the greatest baker so this delightful coffee and walnut cake was shop-bought. Tasty none the less.

Awaken Spring with a sunny and bright floral display. You can pick flowers from your own garden if you are lucky enough to have one. Now Spring is not complete without some hot cross buns! These were chocolate and orange flavour which if you are like me and can’t stand currants of any kind then these are for you! They also do a Bramley apple version which is equally delicious.

Get outside, take a short walk and just breathe. Take in nature at it’s finest, beautiful blossom, daffodils, trees and greenery. It’s a great way to get in some exercise and to help clear the mind. If you can’t get outside open the window and give your home a good clear out.

Watch my extra-long, extra chatty YouTube Video where I try out some of the old makeup I haven’t used in a long time to see if I still like it or not. You can do your makeup along with me. Now’s the time to experiment with your products, try new looks and shop your stash!
Read a book with a cup of coffee. Reading is a wonderful way to escape. Choose something comforting and heartwarming to ease anxiety. Perhaps something that transports you to a magical realm.

Wash your bedding so you have a nice fresh bed to look forward to. Arrange your cushions to make it inviting and cosy.

Have a bath or a shower and get into some clean comfy clothes.

Things you can do to help others: Check-in on elderly neighbours, do they need help with shopping?
Give friends and family a call or a text to say you are thinking of them.
Keep calm, use common sense and for the love of God don’t panic buy! It will all be alright in the end. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.
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