I was inspired by Sasha Louise Pallari, creator of #FILTERDROP after listening to her on a recent podcast. #FILTERDROP is a campaign that called for it to be compulsory for influencers to state when they use a beauty filters to promote skincare or cosmetics. It began in June 2020 to spread awarness of how misleading these ...
Have you ever wondered how other people put on their makeup? I do and I always assumed that the majority do it sitting down at a dressing table of which I have just had installed. I find that the mirror is too far away and I need to get up close. I have a desktop mirror as well which I typically use for my eye makeup. I for one ...
I don't know about you but I lean more toward a basic makeup look for everyday life and I think I have just about perfected it. I still look like myself just a more polished version. Some people can happily go about their day bare-faced but I just can't do that. I feel like a greasy piece without it. Also if like me, you ...
When I need to be out of the door fast this is the makeup look I always gravitate toward. It's quick, easy and looks fresh and natural. Even if I'm running errands I still like to look somewhat presentable but not overdone and you can never go overboard with bareMinerals. I know I'm biased but I truly believe in their good for ...
Going for a job interview is intimidating enough the last thing you want is to be concerned about is your makeup. My advice in regards to a corporate role is to keep it low key, natural and fresh. You want the employer to see you not how 'on fleek' your highlight is. How you come across and this really does include your ...