Feel Good, Look Good

Image Pixabay CC0 License We've all heard the phrase look good, feel good. While it's a saying that certainly rings true, a lot of people overlook the importance of the reverse mantra. Many aspects of your appearance are a direct reflection of your health. So, investing in your wellbeing can actually deliver stunning ...

How to sleep better

How To Sleep Better

Have you found during this tumultuous season of pandemic that you are struggling to maintain a consistent sleep pattern? I tend to fall asleep easily but wake during the night, I never seem to get a full nights sleep. I want to share with you a few simple tips to help you wind down in the evening and hopefully garner a ...

coffee mug

The Wonderful Everyday & A Bit Of A Social Media Rant

A cup of coffee on a cold morning, woodland walks, a good book, the smell of the air after rain fall, garden bonfire smoke on an Autumn day, late afternoon sunshine, tea in my favourite mug, pastries of any kind! Toast, cake, the smell of bacon and coffee on a Sunday morning. The sounds and smells of coffee shops, Music, ...

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